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An Awesome Cover's Interview with J Bean
Where did the inspiration for the cover come from?
From ElsBeth herself, really. We did our best to see how the young witch might see herself at an early crisis in the story.
Do you feel that it reflects the story well?
Yes. A dark castle framed in clouds backlit by a full moon, with the young witch facing the mystery of her ancestral home in the old country. These reflect the mystery and suspense of this far-ranging magical adventure of Cape Cod’s youngest witch, ElsBeth Amelia Thistle. The only thing missing is the humor, but that is a bonus for the reader to enjoy along the way.


A Review Board Interview with J Bean


What made you want to write children and pre-teen books as opposed to young adult and adult books, which is what's hot on the market today?


Pre-teens are an interesting combination of childhood sweetness and a strong interest to explore the world around them. I also find them easy to talk to, and have to admit that teenagers can be a tad scary to me. So I have to go with what I love.


Please tell us a little bit about the Moonbeam awards. How did you get chosen, what was the process like and how did it feel to win?

A Lit Pick Interview with J Bean & Chris


Questions and Answers (Chris):


How did you get started writing?


I have always written, since grade school, particularly poetry, and was often asked by schoolmates to edit or write things for them. When I was fifteen a student I knew only slightly asked if I’d write a poem for an assignment he had. He apparently thought I could do this and that he couldn’t; I regret now denying him the pleasure of trying his hand. The poem was selected and published in the school literary magazine under his name, which was fine with me. I still like the poem.

Bookbag's JB Allison Interviews J Bean & Chris




Were you introverted or extroverted as a child? Has this changed? Why or why not?


We both were more introverted as children and thankfully this has changed. I (J Bean) was with a very extroverted friend at a church rummage sale in a tiny Maine town, and my loveable friend just started talking to the woman next to her. This was shocking to me as I’d been taught never to talk with strangers -- “bothering” people was a definite no-no in my family. But I saw how this stern, New England woman lit up and virtually came to life when spoken to out of the blue. My friend’s friendliness was a gift. That day I realized many people are shy and talking with them can be a gift, which I, in turn, try to give every chance I get. Introversion gone!  

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